Saturday, September 08, 2007

(Pick any of my previous excuses and apply them here as to why I haven't blogged for so long.....I hate to repeat myself. :)

The purse is done. It took a couple of days to get up the courage to finish it, but here it is:

(Yes, you see one end peeking out that I forgot to hide. It's really on the inside of the bag, so I think I'll keep it as a design feature.)

I've been figuring all along....when it gets dirty I can just wash it. It's wool, but I know how to handle wool, so no biggie.'s sewn on. Sewn onto handles that most likely will not handle wetness very well.

Plan B: Don't get it dirty.

My purse stuff is now in it, and I've carried it around for a day. I have heavy purse stuff, so we'll see if it gets stretched out. I may have to make a separate liner.

A picture for Janice. She figures I'm just fooling everyone and just made this to carry yarn. (Not actually true, but a good idea....)

Janice, did you guess this many?

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