Sunday, September 02, 2007

Pretty purse progress

These are yesterday's knitting pictures that I didn't attempt to load.

It's my purse, and it's almost done.

Here's the purse's outside:

I had actually twisted the wrong way on one of the cables about 15 rows done, but was successful on ripping out those stitches and reknitting the cable. That was a very useful skill to learn.

Here's the purse's inside, which looks interesting in it's own way:

Here's the ribbon and handles.

Now, if that shoemaker would loan me his elves, it'd get put together in a jiffy.

If we have to wait until I do it, it might take awhile....


Nancy said...

I love this purse! I'm thinking about making a tote bag for my jewelry making stuff, but nothing so complicated, and absolutely not knitting. Knitting is too complicated and requires thinking. ;-)

valéria said...

Oh that's pretty, is it already done??? :)