Friday, May 04, 2007


The loss of my camera has really slowed down my blogging. It doesn't seem interesting to just write and not show the progress I've been making.

But, since it's Friday night and I'm baseball knitting, I thought I'd blog a bit.

This week it's been all about hats. The CIC challenge for May/June is knitting for the kids (all ages, up to 18) on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota. There's a special call for hats and mittens and there's no restrictions on fiber content.

I've been making the Helix Striped Cap from the 2007 Knitting calendar, from Jan. 9. It uses 3 colors and creates a striped hat without the color change jog. I'm loving to use up my leftovers to create a nice warm hat.

(My dog just pawed my knitting bag to make it fall over. Think he wants some attention?)

The hats are also distracting me while a sock is in time out. I've reknit pieces of it 3 or 4 times, and it's still not right. It's a toe up sock, and I keep getting the size wrong. One of the fascinations of toe up knitting is that you can try it on as you go. I'm not getting the concept, though. A regular top down sock can be tried on, and if it doesn't fit, just the toe needs to be ripped out. A toe up sock needs the heel ripped out and redone--much harder in my opinion. And in the case of my last effort, The bind off is too tight, AND the sock is too big.

Do I rip out half a sock AGAIN? Or rip out the part from the toe down and do a toe down toe? Will it match the other sock? Can I face doing it one more time? Or do I need to knit another hat?

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