Thursday, February 23, 2006

Day 14: Misc. news

I've been a blogging slacker. Here's an update on my knitting week.

Monday: It's baseball season but SOOOOOOOO not baseball weather. Especially 35-40 degree weather. However, since I'm not the one making DS#1's baseball schedule, we went to his first game. It was a 3 hour car ride each way, so I knit on the way up (on the way back it was dark. Plus, I was driving part of the way). Totally didn't knit during the game. #1: forgot my fingerless mittens at work and #2: not taking my regular gloves off for nothing. Don't even have a picture of me all huddled up in 10 million layers, or DS doing his pitching stuff. Didn't do any complaining about it, though, since I know how that would go.

"Honey, can I have a picture for my blog?"

"Well, if you'd like to help me, you can. I can't take video and pictures at the same time and it sure would be nice to have both."

Nope, that would require moving, and maybe taking off the gloves. Just not happening.


Tuesday and Wednesday were work days. (Pesky, but neccesary to go to if I want to keep my job.)

By the end of Wednesday I had developed a fullblown migraine. By the time DH got home from picking up the kids I was in bad shape.

"Honey, can you put socks on my feet? I can't bend down and my feet are cold.

No, not those, my wool ones. The black ones with the colored specks.

Oh wait, I threw up on those.

How about my blue ones? Wait...same problem....


By evening, though, I had recovered enough to finish this handwarmer.

It's DK weight and modelled by RB who has a tiny hand. So I figure that it's a ladies small.


My dog has been hanging out here lately. Right in front of the woodstove. And I mean RIGHT IN FRONT--about 1 foot. I don't know how he can stand it. His fur is almost too hot to touch. He loves it, though, even if he occasionally has to move to cool off.

Here's my KO sweater. Front is done. Not happy with the shoulder seams, but after 3 attempts, I give up. Next is the sleeves.

DD#1 brought me a penguin for my collection. It's so cute!

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