Tuesday, April 05, 2005


My neighbor, or "She who climbs ladders in pajamas" as I like to call her, was good yesterday. She was at the bus stop in jeans and tennies. She's not going to get locked out again and not be prepared. So....I took a camera to the bus stop today to report on her progress, and look what I discovered!

Yep, that's PAJAMAS!!! She was good for ONE whopping day! I promised to cut out her face, or you would also see her HUGE cup of coffee. That's how she's preparing--by making sure her coffee is WITH her, rather than locked inside the house. This way, if she gets locked out again, she can survive.

I've given her lots of grief about trying to manage the ladder all by herself, rather than calling me for help. (coffee inside--must get in...) She's getting rather sick of it, and is forcing me to admit here and in writing, that I would do the exact same thing.

Well, I can type it, but that doesn't mean that you need to believe it. I'm way too organized and level-headed to ever have that happen to me. I ask for help at ALL the appropriate times. (Okay, those who know me--Shut up already--all that laughing can't be good for you!)
Not much knitting to report, but I hope to do some tonight to relax from my stressful day of madly cleaning the house. There's a birthday party going on here. Dani's turning 10 tomorrow! (Did take out a few moments to play Gaps--I even won once!)

I paused from my vacuuming to look at my wonderful new books. Brand-new, hot-off-the-presses book from the Yarn Harlot called "At Knit's End. Meditations for Women who Knit too Much".

I'm showing it here amidst the party supplies. How far is that? After waiting and waiting, it comes when I don't have time to read it? I also got "the Best of Knitter's Arans and Celtics". I might be dreaming, but I'd like to make one of these soon.

Here's the party going in full force. There's more girls than this. (maybe a gazillion. Or, maybe it's 7 and just sounds like a gazillion.) They're all watching a movie now so...off to knit!

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