Saturday, August 04, 2007

No scissors shall be used on this yarn.

I'll try better on this post to come up with some words. Will they be words that go with the picture? We shall see.... (It's Sat. afternoon and I've been cleaning, so don't hold your breath.)

I'm floundering a bit in my knitting. I've decided to start a winter pullover hoodie from Knitting Pure and Simple # 244. I did my gauge swatch already, and got exactly 4 sts per inch on the first try. What's my hold up?

I don't have the pattern yet. I ordered it from my LYS, so in the meantime I'm at a loss at what to do. I've considered starting it, and just guessing at the # of sts around. Anyone try this before?

The chances that I get the exact number are about 100,000 to one, which will make me have to adjust the pattern the rest of the way through. Besides, if I'm buying the pattern, I should actually wait until it gets here, shouldn't I?

(I just looked at the pattern notes and it's knitted from the top down, so scratch that idea. I guess I'll just have to wait.)

In the meantime, I'm working on socks.

These are for the CIC group using 32 stitches, size 5 needles, and a pattern from Mosaic Knitting by Barbara Walker.

The yarn came from a neighbor who went to a yard sale and thought "Yarn--I know just who to get that for!" and she did. (Yarn propaganda has progressed from my family onto my close friends who know to look for wool at yard sales!)

I enjoyed them so much that I started a second pair. These are hard to see, but they are black, purple, and red. I'm knitting them both at the same time to make sure I don't run out of yarn on one and not the either.

This also follows my normal rule of "never cut the yarn even though I'm using both ends".

Of course, it results in a knot like this:

Back to usual. No scissors shall be used on this yarn.

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