Monday, October 19, 2009

Random knitterly things

Here's a list of the knitterly things that I've done in the past week, as told by some bad pictures.

1. The Lucy bag was felted.



(A bit over-felted, but I think it'll still work.)

2. Sweaters were washed and laid out on the new rug to dry.

(What else is a clean living room for?)

3. Gloves were knitted, and tried on, and hoped that they would fit.

They were finished (except for those pesky ends).

All hope is lost, and they are crazy big. Too big even for 6'4" son's hands (although that one is mine.)

They are in timeout as I figure out what to do with them. (There's plenty of yarn, so if I thought these ones would fit a real sized person, I might donate them to charity and start over. But, since that's not really true, I might rip out most of them. Or all of them. Or, try washing and drying them in hopes that they would shrink the right amount.)

4. A ball of yarn was wound.

After looking on Ravelry, it doesn't look like it's enough for a shawl, like I hoped (Again with the hope!), so I'll save it for a scarf.

5. A new yarn store was visited.

The Yarn Garden in Annapolis was a fastinating place to visit. I did good--coming home with only two skeins.

6. Some loose ends were hidden.

(I know, I know, I should hide them all as I go. But forget it! That's only a good suggestion if I'm making it, not if I have to follow it!)

7. Some point protectors were purchased.

The afghan is getting too big and I'm afraid I'm going to lose some stitches. So far, they're staying on. Plus, they're purple!

8. Some more ribbing was knitted.

Not many rows, but this was at today's field hockey game, and it got really cold really quickly!

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