At the beginning of July, my younger two kids and I took a trip to Western PA. While there, we visited my college.
There have been changes. The biggest of which is that they rerouted a main route to not go through the middle of the campus. Now it's up one block and goes right past this building:
This is special since it's the church where DH and I got married. It looks the same even though it's not being used as a church anymore.
(Note: all pictures were taken by DD#2. That is, unless she's in the picture...)
Here we are, my alma mater.
This archway is part of the whole new entrance that was building when the route was moved. (Notice how DS#2 doesn't ever get any shorter. Also, notice the fact that I wore my MDSW t-shirt for the occasion.)(Okay, I guess you can't see it, you'll just have to trust me that that's really what it is.)
This is Old Main which is the center of campus.
My dad taught in Old Main way up on the 3rd floor. There weren't (and still aren't, I believe) any elevators, so he got to climb this set of stairs several times every day. (And filtering a gaggle of students after a weekly chapel down these stairs wasn't so easy either.)
I lived in this dorm for the entire time I was there. (Live off campus? That's crazy! I want to just walk to the cafeteria and they can feed me. The end.)
For my freshman year I lived in the room right above the front door. It was the smallest room with 2 people. The perks? If we kept our window open we could hear every conversation that occurred on the front steps. (Whether we wanted to or not.)
My grandmother lived in the same dorm on the same floor (but never the same room), starting in 1922, the year that it was built.
All four years I worked in the library, doing various tasks through the years.
There were a set of these windows in each wing. (No story to go with this pretty stained glass. Just...hey! aren't these pretty?)
I worked there during the school year, but also for 3 summers. Debi and I, my cohort in crime (and also the person I credit with helping me pass Humanities 201 and 202), spent lots of time in this little room that hasn't changed a bit.
We did book binding and magazine joining (and lots of humanities cramming. She was good on essays and I was not and she would help me study before the tests.)
These are some of the magazines that we (most likely) actually joined together into books. (I can't remember what we called it, not exactly joining, but that's what we did. We would drill holes in a group of magazines and sew them together and then make brown paper covers for them. Debi was better at the lettering so she got that job. I was better at book binding, so that's what I got more of.)
(Is anyone still with me, or have you fallen asleep? Take heart, I'm almost done.)
Look! A swing in the middle of the campus. Somebody had a good idea with that.
We also went in search of our family tree. The college plants a tree when 4 generations of a family attended the college. Our tree was planted when my brother graduated, one year before me. (Maybe I should have cleaned it a bit before taking that pic, what do you think?)
Unfortunately, the actual tree died, so the plaque was moved to an existing tree.
So far, there hasn't been anyone from the fifth generation to go there, but with a 13 and and 15 yr. old at my house, it was time to show them around.
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