Monday, July 18, 2011

2012 Grad sweater

"Hey, son, what are you doing right now?"

"Oh, no," he says, seeing what's in my hand. "I've fallen and can't get up."

"Ok,", I said, "I'll just take the picture like this."

"Okay, how about a better picture?" I say.

"Do I have to put it on?" he says.

"Yes, it would make a better picture."

Grumble, grumble.

"If it wasn't so itchy, I'd like this myself," he admits.


It won't be itchy for a Kaz kid, since he will have something more than a sleeveless shirt on underneath.

So this sweater has been done for awhile. It's been washed, the button has been sewn on, and it's ready for one of next year's grads. I decided to make it over the summer while I had some extra time.

The biggest worry? Where will there be a kid with arms that long? My DS is 14 and is 6' (and 1/2 inch, thankyouverymuch) and his arms swim in it. I suppose the arms could be shortened if necessary, but they might also be just right.

Neck Down Hooded Tunic by Knitting Pure and Simple. Did size small on 10.5 needles with 2 strands held together.
black: 12 skeins (50 gr. ea) Filatura Lanarota Rich Wool.
blue: 9.5 skeins (50 gr ea) Happy Trails by Wooly West dk wt in Big Sky.
knit body for 23.5", then slit and ribbing.
sleeves: dec every 6th rnd. Make super extra long and then quit. Make shorter later if necessary.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

LOL LOVE how the boy collapsed when you approached with a knitted item! It looks fantastic and sleeves can always be rolled or pushed up. Better too long than too short.