Thursday, January 06, 2011

What have I been working on?

Well, let me just show you...

I've been working on 4 different projects. Most days I've been knitting on at least 2 or 3.

I cast on for a new pair of socks. The middle part was done during yesterday's basketball game.

The scarf is about 3/4 done. It went to the basketball game yesterday also, so after I got ready for the heel on the sock, I switched over to the scarf.

The Mirepoix vest is one of my two last big UFOs. Here's what it looked like last February, the last time I worked on it:

Here's what it looks like today:

Enough time went by that I had a really hard time trying to remember what I was doing. Fortunately, I made a note on what sized needles to use.

And finally, here is a new hoodie that I started, appropriately enough, on New Year's Day.

It's a hoodie that will have some red detailing around the waist. The yarn is a normal black, not a shiny black like the picture suggests. It's my first Akkol grad knitting for the year.

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